Expert advice on marketing your brand
Find your uniqueness!
Has your company’s marketing strategy been modified to improve your results and attract more customers? It can be the key to your company’s success, as marketing helps create longer-lasting relationships with customers and offer products and services tailored to their needs.

To develop your marketing strategy, follow these seven expert tips:
1) Beware of content and form. You must not only advertise your offering, but also market it. Analyze and communicate aspects such as: what you will sell, where and why people will buy or distribute you, how you will deliver on your brand promise and how your customer service will be different. “Does your product cure cancer? Probably not. That means there is a 99 % chance that there is a product like yours on the market. So you need to know what makes you different and better than the competition.
2. be competentoriginal and impactful. Today, brands must generate emotions and be “ROI”: relevant, original and impactful. “Adapted to the customer’s needs, Original to be noticed, and Impactful to be acquired. You will then be able to establish a link, influence and communicate with him to enter his life, with him, who in turn will recommend you and share your experience. Therefore, you will be profitable.
3. have a professional website. Done by an engineer who knows the guidelines to get it to show up in the Google rankings, the place where people naturally go to look for solutions to their problems. “Your first seller is your website. People are looking for a solution and if your website is made for that solution, not to talk about you or your products or services, they will find you. If it is well designed, they will follow you.
4.use attraction marketing. This marketing, also called “inbound”, is about the present and the future, according to experts. It involves sharing information and items that are useful to the customer, whether they are already buying from you or not, by distancing themselves from the brand. “If I nag you about the credits I offer, you won’t pay attention to me. But if I explain their features, when it’s right for you and when it’s not, and the strategies for managing them, and as a brand, I sponsor that content, you open your barriers as a customer and let me into your life.
5) Take advantage of social networks. One of the most effective strategies is still word-of-mouth; but remember, it’s no longer just person-to-person, but increasingly through social networks. If your buyer receives a good shopping experience in your store, they will share it on Facebook or Twitter naturally, and their friends will see it. It’s also a recommendation and worth doing. For this reason, you should use your accounts not to talk about your offer, but to see who is talking about you and make sure their experience is shared and spread.
6. apply “corporate” creativity. Whatever your budget, your strategy must have this quality to have the greatest impact. Alvarez-Morphy recalls the case of a car manufacturer that ran a campaign to give people movie tickets in exchange for taking a web survey and providing their contact information. Once they responded, the tickets were sent to their homes. After a year, out of 100,000 cards, just over 12,000 were dropped off, an unenviable response rate of 12 %. In other words, the brand had 12,000 contacts who, among other things, had responded when they were going to change their car. They were emailed the automaker’s offer, credit terms and a frame close to the address provided. The result: 1,000 more cars sold that year. “We didn’t do it with a bill, we did it with things that were already there, but used in a different way. It’s creativity that works and pays off.
7. be empathetic. The word “empathy” is and will remain key in the coming years. Smart brands will take advantage of this by getting closer to their buyers. How to do this? “If I see that there is inflation, for example, I don’t raise my prices and I offer real promotions that allow you to save. You just have to put the customer at the center of everything.
8. have a return on investment. Data is very important, as every dollar you invest should earn you at least two dollars. Take advantage of technology tools to monitor how many clicks, leads, conversions, downloads, conversations and sales are generated with the resources you invest. “Fans don’t feed and make money. Focus on what sells”.